Modernizing Ukrainian information system of the vocational education
June 17, 2022

Krabu Grupp was selected as the winning bid in the international tender for the modernization of the AIKOM information system of the vocational education realm in Ukraine. In the course of the planned work on the modernization of the system, which is under the management of the Institute of Educational Analytics, a new EMIS module will be developed with functionality for collecting, controlling, analyzing and publishing data on the field of vocational education in Ukraine.
As part of the project, Krabu Grupp will create a product whose main users will be the Ministry of Education and Science, local governments, educational institutions and other entities of vocational education system in Ukraine.
“Reliable statistical and administrative data provided by the system serve as a basis for planning and shaping education policy, taking into account the needs of the modern digital society. I am glad that we will be able to contribute to the achievement by Ukraine of its goals of ensuring transparency at various levels of state and public life,” said Kati Krabu, Member of the Board of Krabu Grupp, responsible for the implementation of the project.
The AIKOM educational information system is designed to organize all types of activities for the collection and processing of data from educational institutions in a digital format, including the creation of electronic data archives, automatic management of information collection procedures, control over managerial discipline and administration of business processes referring to information data handling.
“The Vocational Education Management Information System (EMIS) is intended to simplify access to information related to the field, as well as to reduce the paperwork for managers in submitting reports. European countries already have many analogues of such systems, so Ukraine can examine their experience and adopt their best practices. At the same time, it is important to take into consideration the needs of the Ukrainian system of vocational education, because it has many its own features and differences. It is important that EMIS will be synchronized not only with the reporting forms of the State Statistics Service, but also with other educational registers, such as the Unified State Electronic Database for Education (EDEBO),” said Igor Garbaruk, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The international tender for the modernization of the AIKOM information system and the creation of the integrated EMIS vocational education module was held in 2021 by the Estonian Department for Educationaland Youth Affairs (Harno), which is a partner of the Ukrainian vocational education reform program “EU4Skills: best skills for modern Ukraine”.
“Quite often, processing requests from citizens involves a lot of paperwork. The updated approach to working with data in EMIS will allow everyone who is interested in the state of affairs in vocational education to get open data in a few clicks without going through bureaucratic procedures,” added Igor Garbaruk.
As Kati Krabu emphasized, participation in this project is important for the company both from the point of view of business, and in social and civic aspects, since the modern information system in the field of vocational education will mark another step in the ongoing reforms in Ukraine on the path to the development of high-quality vocational education, which will meet the rapidly changing needs of the labor market in modern society.
The main activity of Krabu Grupp is rendering support in the field of digital transformation and the provision of ancillaryservices that sustain enterprises along this path. Recent studies show that by neglecting the process of digital transformation the entities may face serious difficulties in the near future in competing with market participants who have already implemented digital technologies. Currently, Krabu Grupp offers both turnkey projects and digital transformation service packages for the entities with different levels of IT maturity.
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